What if you could Progress your Park Skiing as fast as possible? While having access to all the solutions for every problem you face along the way! Always within your reach... 24 Hours a day, 7 Days a week?
Discover the best proven systems to take you from consistently struggling to basically learning tricks on auto-pilot.
Expanded + Updated!
More Tutorials and More Access to your favourite Professional Skiers
JOIN SLOPE ACADEMYSee The Results Our Athletes Are Getting...

Every month all of the active Slope Academy Members are entered in a giveaway for a FREE pair of park skis!
It's our way of saying thank you for the support and belief in the program!
(Novembers winner announced December 1st)

I'm Bruce Oldham
- Professional Freestyle Skier, Certifed Ski Coach, and founder of Slope Academy
I always believed that if you wanted something bad enough, you could make anything happen!
Growing up in a small hockey town, freestyle skiing was a completely new concept. Somehow, I fell in love with the sport and the dream of becoming a professional skier — turns out it's not as easy as you'd think.
I started park skiing at the late age of 17... way behind the ball. People would tell me that I was too old to make it, and at some point I even started to believe it myself. I felt pressured to do the "smart thing" and take the traditional route: going to university, getting a real job.
After 2 years into a business degree I realized that I would never be happy unless I made that childhood dream come true!
I've dedicated the last 3 years, putting absolutely everything I had into skiing... and I'm proud to say that childhood dream has now become a reality. - Last season I was finally able to go full-time, competing in my first first World Cup Events (currently ranked 21st overall), grew a social media audience of 100,000+ and trained all year around!
My goal is to help people like myself chase their dreams in Skiing and Action Sports!
But making progress isn't always easy, I tried every possible method... and was barely getting anywhere.
Sure you can join a year round Ski School, or even hire personal coaches and travel to all the best training facilities 24/7... but in my case (most of ours) that isn't in the budget.
I began my journey learning on my own. I would spend hours on my backyard trampoline, watching a random YouTube videos and hucking myself.
Turns out all the tricks I learned in the first 2 years weren't exactly correct. I had a lot... and I mean a lot of things to fix if I was ever going to make it!
This was almost worse than starting at ground zero. At least I didn't know better at that time.
There had to be a better way.
In 2017-2018 I joined my first ski team. With a coach who knew what he was doing, and a group of motivated skiers!
At this point progress was inevitable, I was motived and had all the right tools. It was time to ramp things up!
I was excited because I knew I was on the right track. Fixing bad habits and learning new tricks along the way!
- The only problem was I could only get coaching on weekends and most of the time my coach was busy chasing 15 of us around the mountain.
And just like that I was back to square 1... spending the other 5 days of the week learning on my own and guessing.
There had to be a way to progress at my own rate with professional feedback.
Ski Coaching as it's sold "out there" is a Myth
Here is the basic concepts:
First Myth: You need spend $40,000- $60,000 a year and join a full time Ski School/Academy "if you want to make it" 💰
Second Myth: You can't progress at home with a basic setup, you have to travel and pay for the best facilities. 🛫
Third Myth: If your coach is certified it means he knows how to teach it... even if he has never done any of the tricks before 🤨 (we believe in teaching from a place of experience as well)
Fourth Myth: You will learn everything you need to know about making a career in skiing from a coach! 🧠 (Not only just tricks)
It's all just nonsense.
Just randomly joining a local park club on weekends or going skiing with your friends doesn't cut it anymore - and let's be honest you AREN'T spending $40,000+ a year on a ski school.
Nor should you have too!
Look, you're not going to make your ski career happen over night... it's progress, it's going to take work.
But it also takes strategic training, a proper support system, and it can actually be easier than you ever thought!
"Is Affordable and Effective Coaching really possible then?"
The answer is absolutely 100% YES
Over the past 3 years I discovered the best support system for beginner to intermediate park skiers!
After spending 2-3 hours a night answering kids DM's about tricks tips, sponsors, etc... I decided someone had to do something about it!
Coming up through the industry myself understood all the holes, because I'd experienced them. First hand!
Armed with all the DM's and questions from younger skiers, I had all the pieces... now I just needed to put it together.
AND in the last 2 years that's exactly what I've done! To this date, I've Coached 200+ Skiers Online and Hundreds In-Person!

There is Hope
Slope Academy will help you create:
- Ultimate Confidence On and Off the Slopes.
- Unlimited Progression in your Skiing Tricks.
- Fulfilling career in Freestyle Skiing for whatever path you decided to take.
- A personal brand and resume that sponsors will find undeniable.
- Ski specific Athletic Performance, while building an injury proof body.
Yes, It Really Is Possible!
In Slope Academy, you’ll learn how to finally take control of your Freestyle Skiing Career.
In The Next 6 Months, You Could…
- Knock off all the dream tricks on your list this year
- Have your first Ski Sponsor
- 5x'd your social media and start making your first $$$ from skiing
The right coaching and eduction system can make all the difference. We make sure to cover it all in Slope Academy.
What's Included In The Membership...

Fundamentals are the most important part of your Freestyle journey! This course is here for everyone to learn the absolute basics of Freestyle Skiing 🤟🏼
- Basics/Fundamentals (Trampoline, Rails, Grabs, Axis's, and Jumps)
- Park Etiquette
- Maintaining Ski Gear, Waxing/detuning, etc
- Trick Naming List: (Grab's, Rail's, Jumps, etc)
- Off-season training techniques

Jackson Karsteter X RailSkiing Course
Rails are 50% of Skiing... and possibly the best part, depending on who you ask 😉 In this Course we give you all the secrets you need to excel in RailSkiing:
- 20+ Exclusive high quality Video Tutorials (For all levels)
- Break down of how to approach different features
- Creativity on features and adding style to your rail tricks
- Competition prep and planning for rails
You’ll finish this course with a great understanding of rails and everything you need to improve you trick list!

Sponsorship Masterclass
This course is designed to teach you the basics of sponsorships, providing actionable steps and templates to get you started working with companies ASAP! 💸
- Midset and Fundamentals behind Sponsorships
- How to Grow relationship with companies
- Templates - (Media Kit, Monthly Report, Athlete Funding Proposal, YouTube/Podcast Proposal, and Sponsorship Letter)
You’ll finish this Masterclass with everything you need to get you First Sponsor with in the next 6 weeks!

Trampoline/Axis's - Tutorials
For many, Fundamentals of Axis's and Air Awareness may be the hardest part of your journey. That's why we provide you with all the tools to make it happen:
- 20+ Exclusive high quality Video Tutorials (For all levels)
- Transferring your trampoline tricks to the Ski Hill
- Progression tracker, gaurnteeing your success and a well-rounded skill set
You’ll finish this course with tons of new tricks and the knowledge to take them to snow!

Brand Building & Social Media Growth
Whether you're Social Media person or not, building a brand and growing your audience is one of the best moves for your career.
- How to build your own personal brand
- Best social media growth practices (YouTube, Instagram, and Tiktok)
- How to monetize $$$ your brand/audience
You’ll finish this course with a growing audience and a road map to make money from your skiing.

Building Confidence, Mindset and Competition Performance
For many, getting the confidence to try new tricks is a huge roadblock. In this lesson you learn how to build confidence and over come fear.
- Best Confidence building techniques
- Over coming fear in the moment (How to enter a flow state)
- The best way to manage competition stress
- How to maximize you competition performance
You’ll finish this course with all the knowledge and confidence to perform at a World Cup level.

Ski Specific - Athletic Performance
Avoiding injury and maximizing athletic ability is your fast track to progression. Here's how we do it:
- Elite Ski Specific Workout Program (adaptable for all levels)
- Ski specific Stretch Routine proven to help prevent injuries
- On Hill - Warm Up Routine
- Best Recovery techniques for ski based injuries

- Coaching Forum (Athletes have access to coaching/feedback from professional skiers - 24 hours a day, 7 Days a week)
- Monthly Pro Talks (Ever month guest Pro Skiers will host seminars and hold Q&A’s)
- Weekly Ski Edits (Viewing Parties) (Early Movie Project Releases)
- Event Discussion Board (Recapping and covering events in real-time)
- Social Links & Sharing Audiences (forum for helping each other grow audiences, sharing best strategy and proven methods, weekly Q&A's)
- Gear Chat (Helping athletes find the best gear and get honest reviews)
- Member Highlight Board (Each month we take the best member videos and share across platforms)

Slope Academy Is For You If...
- You are passionate about freestyle skiing
- You want to have a career in skiing but have no clue where to start
- If your tired of making minimal progress throughout the season
- If you need coaching but don't want to waste $1,000's of dollars on crappy ski club programs
This is NOT for you if...
- You're expecting a magic pill to instantly have a career in skiing. I can't promise that.
- You expect results without putting in the effort. You have to be passionate about skiing and willing to put in the time and follow the steps.
Because this information and support system is so powerful, I'm able to charge over $2,500 to teach it to my athletes one-on-one
I've even taught this material in group coaching sessions for $1,500 an athlete.
Because with this knowledge and support system they are able to make 3 years worth of progress in 6 months!
But when decided to package my system into a membership that anyone could succed in, at their own pace... I wanted to make it as accessible as possible.
And that's why you can get instant access to the entire Slope Academy program for just $499 for a YEAR
(Limited Black Friday Sale)
Click the button and get started today ⤵️
Start Learning NowSee the results our athletes are getting...

Don't forget: it's completely risk free
I've packed a lot into Slope Academy because not only do I want to you to create the Ski Career and progression you deserve... but I want a guarantee that you don't fail!
And to make it a no-brainer deal for you I'm giving you a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee with your purchase of Slope Academy.
That's right: Go through the course, check out the bonuses, follow the steps, put in the work, use our team of professional skiers, and if you don't love it in your first 30 days of joining, send me an email and I will refund you immediately. No questions asked, no hard feelings.
If Slope Academy doesn't work for you, I'd much prefer for you to take your money and invest it on the ski hill where you can get some new gear or extra days in.
Also - if you sign up for Slope Academy today you'll receive some exclusive bonuses:
Save money on your favourite ski gear - and make your membership FREE
(Value $350)
Most skiers spend upwards of $1,000 a year on gear; between skis, helmet goggles, boots, bindings, outerwear, etc... what if we could save you to $350+ each season!
That's why we teamed up with some of your favourite Ski Brands and Online Retailers to give you anywhere from 40% off!
"As a skier myself I understand the cost of new gear, that why I've done everything in my power to actually save you money by joining Slope Academy" - Bruce Oldham
Bonus 2 - Monthly Members Only Giveaway:
(Value $250)
At the end of each month we host an Exclusive Giveaways for active Slope Academy Members - With Prizes like BRAND NEW PARK SKIS, FULL OUTWEAR PACKAGES, GOGGLES, HELMETS, and More!
- Giving back to our community and the people that support us is our Top Priority!
Bonus 3 - DAVID SKLAR Tutorial Playlist
(Value $150)
David Sklar has taken the TikTok Ski niche by storm with educational tutorials, creative ideas, and a unique content strategy!
"SKLAR SKIS" has provided Slope Academy members with an exclusive playlist of tutorials and educational content - Allowing you to crush it on TikTok and on the Slopes ⛷🤟🏼
So here's what your getting with your Slope Academy membership:
- All 40+ exclusive Slope Academy video tutorials with over 9 hours of in-depth step-by-step training. Created by some of the biggest names in Freestyle Skiing ($450)
- All 7 of the Slope Academy Modules including additional bonuses and guides teaching you everything needed to create a full-time career in the sport ($750)
- SUPPORT SYSTEM: Discord Community & 24/7 Online Ski Coaching ($350)
- BONUS: Exclusive Product Discounts - Saving athletes hundreds of dollars a year on new gear ($350)
- BONUS: Access to the Members Only Monthly Giveaways ($250)
- BONUS: David Sklar Tutorial Playlist, helping you blow up on Tiktok and learn new tricks ($150)
The Total Value of All This Amazing Training = $2,300
If all this did was...
If all this program did was allow you learn 3-4 extra tricks a week would it be worth it?
If all this program did was help you get your first sponsor and start your path to making a career in skiing would it be worth it?
But today you get access to all of this for only $499
Click the button to get started instantly! ⤵️