4 Tips to become a more steezy skier
Oct 20, 2024
4 Tips to be a more steezy skier
Winters just around the corner and everyone wants to look good this season on skis.
The most important things to improve your style while skiing are these 2 things.
Watch videos of yourself.
If you focus on these 2 things all winter you'll quickly realize what you can change to look better.
In the end, styles one of the most important thing with whatever you do.
Whether it's in a different sport, how you dress going about your life, or how you style your apartment.
It's down to your own personal style, it's how you convey yourself to the world.
It can make you look like a total bum or someone who has themselves together.
There's a song called "Style Is The Answer"
One of the lines goes...
"To do a dull thing with style if preferable to doing a dangerous thing without style, and to do a dangerous thing with style. That's what we call art"
So with some tips, you don't have to throw the nastiest trick on the mountain, if you wanna lace some basic tricks and make them look really good people will love it.
And then push the boundaries.
Let's run through 4 tips that'll help you become a more stylish skier all around.
1. Watch Yourself
This ones straight forward.
Watch videos of yourself skiing so you can see what you like or don't like.
This is the fastest way to realize if you're leaving your arms in the air, flailing like a salmon, or landing hella backseat.
You can also realize what you like about your skiing and start playing into that aspect more.
Don't just watch videos of yourself, watch videos of your favorite skiers and ski movies.
Figure out which style of skiing you like the most.
Then you can start trying to bring that style to your own tricks.
Merge athlete styles and start to make it your own style.
2. KIT check
This one goes to the basics of style.
How's your kit?
Are you going mono colors top to bottom?
Or switching the top and pants colors?
We aren't gonna sugarcoat it, you need a baggy kit.
It makes you look like you're flowing more.
And it's harder to tell if you have errors in your technique or landings.
When hitting a jump land with your feet together and hands by your side, low.
Don't throw your arms in the air like a ballerina when you're spinning that 5.
Don't land in a motorcycle 4 point landing coming down.
If you have baggy pants and land with your feet close together, arms by your hips and in tight you'll look like you know exactly what your doing.
And well, you do because you did it intentionally.
3. Tweak those grabs
This comes into watching videos of yourself.
If you see a video of yourself tweaking a Japan grab you may like how it looks.
But you'll also realize that if you grabbed further out towards the tip of your tail you could pull it harder.
And that would add those extra steez points.
Henrik Harlaut throws an incredibly steezy safety grab.
Because he tweaks it way out to the side.
The tweaked grab is way harder then most grabs.
And it's taking something incredibly simple, and turning into his own sick trick.
Think of it like adding a signature to something.
4. Repetition
As cliché as it sounds...
Repetition is key to becoming more stylish on skis.
The more you throw something the more comfortable you become.
Once you start getting comfortable, then you can start tweaking and adjusting the trick.
Circle back to what we said in the beginning.
The most important thing is Repetition and Watching Videos of yourself.
Do these 2 things and you'll see your skiing explode this winter.
Make a list.
Have you made a list of the 3 main tricks you want to learn this season?
Write them down, visualize them, and then think about how you'll tweak them to make them your own.
If you want a video of Bruce breaking down these tips check it out here:
Steez = Style
Style helps you look like you know what you're doing.
The best way to add style to your skiing is these 4 simple tips.
Watch yourself
Have a solid Kit (baggier side of things (unless you're a racer....))
Tweak grabs and add your style to tricks
Much love,
Slope Academy