First 10 Tricks to learn on skis

Sep 01, 2024

The first 10 tricks you should learn, will make you look cooler all over the mountain.


Unless you have a crew of park skiers around you, or grew up skiing park, most people feel lost when they go into it.


If not lost, it can be intimidating seeing people throw crazy tricks wearing baggy kits.


A lot of people go in once or twice and decide they're not sure about going back.


If you've ever felt this way, then this is for you.


The first thing to remember is that you're not alone.


This is common for a lot of people new to park, and it's why most people leave park skiing as a dream.


Another good thing to remember is all the people in the park were beginners at one point.


So, the majority are willing to help and won't be rude to you (unless you're ignoring general etiquette... we'll talk about park etiquette in a minute).


Alright so we crushed your fear of other park skiers right?


The next reason people don't return to the park is because...?


You got it, they feel lost.


As in, they don't know what to work on.


Aside from all the rad skiers, parks can be overwhelming.


With a lot of different features, jumps, boxes, rails, picnic tables, and random objects.


It can be hard to know where to go, or what to work on.


That's why we're breaking down the first 10 tricks to learn.


Even if you've been skiing park for awhile, make sure you have these as second nature.


Having the foundation perfected makes progress come way faster.


We'll also run thru ParkSMART park etiquette so you know you're not in the way or destroying features.


Having Park etiquette alone will make people like you.


ParkSMART (don't be an idiot).


You'll see this sign in any park you go to.


It's the general acronym for how to act in the park.


Start small: Don't go huck the big jump line at Copper right when you get there, check how the snows feeling. It's okay to build up to it.


Make a plan: Don't have the attitude dropping into something going "I don't know what I'm gonna throw". That's how you get hurt, know what you're doing when you drop.


Always look: Do Not blindly cut across the park because you see something on the far left side that looks fun. Look uphill, make sure you aren't gonna cut someone off. Call your drop when you're at the top of a feature with other people.


Respect: This ones simple, have respect for other skiers in the park, everyones out to have fun. It's just skiing after all.


Take it easy: This is the best one to remember for preventing injury. If it's the end of the day and you're exhausted don't try to throw a massive trick. It's okay to take a break and come back to something you're struggling with.


That's the basics of the acronym!


Additionally, features have little ramps running up to them don't hit those as a jump to the side. You can find small jumps or side hits to practice the little hops.


Those lips to the features are typically carved out in the way to hit the feature.


When you have lads coming into the feature at warp speed and the lips been destroyed it can cause serious injury.


Keep these in mind and you'll be just fine in the park.


First 10 Tricks!


Depending where you are on your ski journey these could sound some what basic.


But, having a solid foundation of what's needed will help you progress 10x faster.


We have a brief explanation here, linked at the bottom is Bruces YT video showing how to do each of them.


So let's get into it!


  1. POP

    It sounds basic, but you need to have a good pop for any trick that you do.

    This teaches you how to maximize your air, and learn patience if you're throwing a trick.

  2. OLLIE

    This is a fun one to get hops without a jump, pretty much anytime.

    Think of it like "Spring loading" your tails and using that rebounded energy to jump.


    Make sure to apply shin pressure, and combine your pop with this now.


    On of the most fun tricks you'll see all over the mountain.

    Shifty's add that extra steeze to any air you get while keeping you stable in the air.

    When in the air you'll shift your legs one way, while counter rotating with your upper body.


    Time to start getting your grabs down!

    There's a lot of grabs in skiing.

    Starting with the Safety will be a great foundation for learning more advanced ones.

    It's always good to practice a grab on the ground before taking it to air.

    Whenever doing a grab, always bring your knees toward your chest, never bend toward your skis.


    This is fun for doing anywhere on the mountain.

    Practicing this will also help you with your 360's when the time comes.


    Incredibly important because let's be honest, everyone looks cooler when they're skiing backwards!

    For learning this one take a look at Bruce's YT video.

    The visual is important for learning this one.

  8. 180 - One Eighty

    This is most likely the first spin trick you'll do on skis.

    It's important to feel comfortable skiing backwards before sending this one.

    Once you start doing them, you'll want to throw them everywhere.

  9. 50/50 - Fifty/Fifty

    Alright! Time to have some fun, now we're hitting our first box rail feature.

    To do this one you'll be skiing (french fry) over the box.

  10. 50/50 SHIFTY

    We're combing steps 4 & 9 here.

    Slide the box straight.

    Then rotate your hips while counter rotating your shoulders.


That's it for your first 10 tricks to learn!


From here you'll start adding grabs, more spins, and more features!


Check out Bruce's full YT video teaching each of these here:




Feeling like you have some direction when you go into the terrain park now?




These foundations will take you far and you'll start to throw them all over the mountain.


Think of driving.


When you first start driving you get in the car.


Adjust your mirrors.


Adjust your seat.


Press the brakes and put the car in reverse.


Press the brake and put the car in drive.


And so on...


You're working a lot of moving parts at once.


The more you do it, everything becomes one fluid motion.


You don't even think about what you're doing, you're just doing it.


That's what will happen with these.


And eventually more tricks.


That's the goal, you want your body to memorize them so you don't have to think about each step.


You just do it.


Like what we broke down:

  • Why most people feel lost or insecure to go into terrain parks.

  • How to show up with etiquette in the park (so everyone loves you).

  • Which tricks you can focus on learning, so you build a strong foundation.

  • How everything will flow like water one day.


If you need help with these tricks, or advancing even further in your skiing you can join Slope Academy below.


Whether it's beginner tricks, advanced tricks, or extra help on the side of your academy.


We're here for you.


Much love,

Slope Academy

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