3 Tips to add STYLE to your Rails
Oct 27, 2024
Spice up those rails
As Ian Osby says "Watch some OG park edits on YouTube or Newschoolers and get yourself inspired by the style and simplicity"
Watching some older edits before spins got insane helps.
The simplicity in taking it easier but adding your own style is inspiring.
It's easy to get caught in a loop of watching people throw insane tricks.
Sometimes scrolling feels like everyones adding one more spin to their tricks.
And it can become daunting thinking about reaching that level...
Even though it's incredibly impressive, sometimes the steez just ain't there.
Other times it's incredibly put together, and you can tell the difference.
3 Tips to add STEEZ to your Rails
Remember what we talked about in the last newsletter?
Bring in your own style.
Especially when you're starting out and have a few tricks you feel comfortable with.
Adding a bit of style, and bringing in the steez can make basic tricks look amazing.
And you don't have to be throwing the hardest, biggest tricks in the park.
But, you'll stand out.
Let's break down 3 tips to add some major steez to your rail game.
Focus on incorporating these tips in the beginning of season while throwing the tricks you already know.
Then you can start to bring it into new tricks, and they'll look great.
1. Get low, bend those knees, and keep your arms down.
No one wants to look like a ballerina coming down a rail or tube.
When you stand straight and hit a rail you look like a pencil, it's hard to make it look good.
It also makes you more rigid and less agile.
Bending your knees brings your center of gravity lower.
This actually improves your balance and let's you have more control over the rail.
When doing this keep your arms by your side.
You ever see someone hit a rail with your hands in their pockets?
Looks so steezy.
Don't keep them in your pockets (unless you wanna).
But keep them by your side, we aren't in Alaska flailing Salmon.
2. Know when to go real slow and when to go real fast.
This is something you'll learn as you play with tricks.
But it's something that you'll need to understand about tricks, and yourself.
Some tricks look way more stylish when you take it in slow and look way in control over the rail.
While sometimes you gotta hit it going mock 10, and make it look like natural reaction.
Going into rails fast can seem scary at times, but the best thing to remember is:
If you carry speed into the rail and fall, you'll probably miss the metal. That's a good thing.
This will make or break a trick.
Sometimes you see a video it just isn't what you thought.
It's not always the trick, but you need to play with the speed in which you're sending the trick.
3. Pop off of the end of the rail
This may sound simple to some.
Don't just slide off the end of the rail, POP!
When you pop off it shows that you know exactly where the end of the rail is.
And it shows that you know what you're doing.
Pop off, bring those knees up, keep those arms down.
It'll add that extra spice at the end that'll turn heads.
Try PVC?
If you have a local down hill near you, get started with a simple PVC pipe rail.
PVC doesn't hurt if you fall on it, and is pretty cheap to setup.
Start practicing a little extra on these, and adding that style.
Then when you hit the hill, you'll look dialed in.
4. Don't Forget (Bonus)
This ones from last week!
Film yourself.
You won't know how a tricks looking if you can't see it.
This will help with knowing if you need to take it slower or faster.
You'll also see if you're standing up straight.
Flailing your arms.
Or just sliding off the end.
Filming is how you make serious improvement, and start to create your own style.
If you missed last weeks newsletter about style on the mountain, you can read it here.
Bring the SAUUUCE
Focus on these 3 tips when hitting rails.
You're gonna see your rail game sky rocket (steez wise atleast).
You'll probably get some compliments also...
Post a video on IG when you add these techniques and tag us, we'll throw you on the story.
Let's recap that:
You don't have to throw 450s on and 630s off to look steezy in the park
It all comes down to bringing in that extra style.
Focus on these 3 tips to look good.
Get lowww, bend those knees, keep your arms dowwwn.
Know when to go real fast, and when to go reaaal slow.
Pop off the end of the rail with confidence.
Don't forget to watch videos of yourself!
If you wanna accelerate your rail game this winter.
While getting direct feedback and coaching from professional skiers.
Slope Academy